Friday, April 10, 2009


The calf tear I picked up when I fell in my ski race back in February is lingering. I am doing all the right things I tell others to do but it persists. I knew it was bad at the time because It really hurt and that is unusual for me. I am jogging slowly, stretching, ice, heat and rest and trying to eat well. Hopefully it will recover stronger than ever. I would really like to have a season on the track as a 55 year old. I am ready apart from the calf. very frustrating indeed.


  1. due to the cells being battered over time and the increased consumption of atp, there will be free radicals in your muscles oxidizing the energy molecules unlawfully before they get to the electron transport chain, which means focus on your antioxidant foods to counteract the free radicals and you should see an increased energy load to the muscle to help it repair

  2. Hang in there, Glen. You will have fantastic season after the injury heals, thanks to that "fire in the belly" determination many of us (and some of your new friends, like ME!)experience after an injury and the new focus from recovery.

    So, eat those blueberries, like Byrne is suggesting, and make sure you get enough sleep.

    Linda, RN
